Light is to what punctuation is at the end of a sentence.
If I had my way, there would never be any traditional lighting—especially fluorescent lights, as they are often too cool and tend to distort (in my opinion, making everything look worse).
So, when deciding upon lighting options for the room that I am remodeling, I opted for a softer look to establish a welcoming mood.
This soft accent light will not be the primary light source in the room; rather, it will be more of a glowing art installation hanging in the room.
There will be plenty of natural light coming through the large window as well as several other lamps in the room.
I truly feel that without choosing the correct lighting in the beginning, the whole room won’t have that wow factor in the end.
My inspiration was something I saw on the internet several years ago. At the time, I didn’t have the space to make it work. But I do now!
The final renovation of the room will be unveiled in the grand reveal to be published in the January/February issue of Omaha Home.
Remember, you do not have to compromise beauty and function for cost. Do some research and find what fits your space and style. Try out your own DIY project. That’s what this year-long project is all about.
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- Paper lantern (I used a lantern 16 inches in diameter.)
- Hot glue gun
- Large package of glue sticks
- Basket-type coffee filters (I used 800.)
- Patience (The project can take approximately 6-7 hours.)
- LED light with remote or single-socket pendant light. Both are extremely inexpensive. There are many options. To be safe, please do your research. You don’t want to create a fireball!
Step-1: Fold or crinkle each coffee filter at the bottom.
Step-2: Glue each filter directly to your paper lantern.
Step-3: Place as many filters as close together as possible.
Step-4: Cover the entire surface of the paper lantern.
Word to the wise: If you want to take this project on, I suggest watching online tutorial videos for added guidance. Simply searching for “coffee filter lamp” tutorials online proved to be extremely helpful for me. The project is simple, but it can be very time-consuming.
This article was printed in the March/April 2017 edition of Omaha Home.