Robert’s Nursery is large enough to offer a wide range of plants and related products, but it prides itself on being small enough to deliver personalized service.
“When people call, we pick up the phone,” says owner Robert Kozal.“Within 30 seconds, you’re speaking to the designer or specialist for your project. “If they can’t answer, they’ll call back that same day.”
Kozol’s interest in lawn care and landscaping began early in life. “My family is in the lawn and landscaping business, and I started helping my brothers at about age 7,” he recalls.
Kozol started his business in 1994, and opened the nursery’s garden center at 156th and Fort streets in 2004. “We’re in the process of building a second location off I-680 and North 48th Street,” he says. “We need the space to keep up with the demand of our retail center and for our plant stock, hardscape, and installation equipment, but we will keep our current location open for retail only.”
Robert’s Nurseryr6056 N. 156th Street rOmaha, NE
This sponsored content appeared in Faces of Omaha 2018. To view, click here: