General Use 'Go Vote For Us' Logos
- This is not for Quick Votes.
- Takes users directly to the registration page.
- For use in your marketing materials.
- It is better to create a quick vote QR Code. Create a business directory listing first to get setup for a quick vote QR Code and Link.

Display this General Go Vote QR Code ONLY after July 1
Quick Vote QR Code
Create a quick vote QR code and link by selecting the contest, category, and your business name. Use the link and the QR code to encourage your customers to go vote! This is a great way to help direct your customer directly to the page and category to vote for you! Fast and easy!
Order "Go Vote For Us' Cards and Posters
“Go Vote For Us’ Cards and Posters Available June 1st We provide free ‘Go Vote For Us’ cards and posters to businesses Our address is: 5921 S. 118th Circle, Omaha, NE 68137.
Interested in Custom QR Codes printed for your business? Purchase today!
Custom cards are standard business card size. The trim size is 3.5 x 2 inches. There is a .125 inch bleed on all four sides. And we recommend a .25 inch safety inset from the edges for all important text and logos. You can order cards from us with the above link or we can design your custom cards and give you the artwork and give it to you to order from anyplace you choose.
Business Directory Listings
Business registration is voluntary and not required to participate in Best of Omaha. We do not influence how the public votes. The answers fields are blank. We do not sell business name placement, business ads, or business logos on the voting ballot page. Register for a Directory Listing by following the steps in the video!
If you are logged in, click here.
Register Here to Get Started
Watch This First
Join the Campaign Manager Newsletter
We highly recommend every business pick one person at their business to be their Campaign Manager. This person should join our Campaign Manager email newsletter list and be the contact when they register their business with Best of Omaha on the business registration page.
Best of Omaha Winner Logos
Only previous winners may use the “Winner” and “First Place” logos. Logos may not be altered.
About the Contest
Best of Omaha is the Legitimate Contest: – Started in 1992 – Ballot is advertisement free – Category answer fields are blank – Allows only one vote per verified email – Monitors vote-stuffing and manipulation – Ballot does not steer or influence who a voter should choose
Other Contests: – Sell business name, business logo, and advertisement placement on the ballot – Encourages the public to vote for the same business more than once
There is nothing a business is required to do. – Registration is optional – Participation is optional – Businesses do not need to be an advertiser
Business registration does not determine if a business may win or not win Best of Omaha. The category chosen during registration does not determine which or how many categories a company may win or not win. The answer fields are blank on the ballot page. Voters may fill-in any business name they choose. We do not limit or influence how the voter chooses to vote. The chips fall where they may. We conduct Best of Omaha to connect with the public and to increase subscriptions to our magazine.
Thank you for your interest in Best of Omaha. Winning the title Best of Omaha is not easy. According to CAS Inc. there are more than 28,986 unique businesses in the Omaha metropolitan area. With 393 categories in Best of Omaha 2023, there are fewer than 1,200 winners. This means less than 3 percent of the businesses can win Best of Omaha.
Best of Omaha is about helping local businesses strengthen relationships with the community. Asking people to vote for your company in Best of Omaha is akin to telling them that you believe your company to be among the “best.” You are branding your name with the word “best” in the public’s consciousness.
That branding is about creating “buzz” and interaction with your customers.
Best of Omaha also offers businesses potential for new customers. Giving discounts gives you the opportunity to ask voters to come and try out your services and products. You can then create new relationships with these voters, in turn winning future customers.
Any business can join the Best of Omaha competition. We do not limit or influence who the voters choose to win. Companies do not need to advertise in any of our publications. Company registration is voluntary and does not determine whether or not a business can win.
We leave the ballot page free of pre-chosen answers and ads. Voters may submit any company they choose for each category. By allowing voters to hand-select their favorite companies, we undertake a difficult, but important, tallying process. Our customized voting system recognizes common misspellings of company names and automatically converts those to proper spellings.
Not only is there is no charge for a company to be involved with Best of Omaha, we provide companies with several free, helpful tools, like “Go Vote For Us” cards, posters, and high resolution logos. We also give the winners wall certificates, window clings, and vinyl posters each year.
Omaha Magazine has conducted Best of Omaha since 1992. It began when we sat around a table with pizza and beer, and picked our favorites in 20 categories. Today the public selects the winners. We conduct Best of Omaha to connect with the public as well as increase subscriptions for Omaha Magazine. To ensure credibility, we take voting security seriously— we limit voting to only one vote per valid email address, quarantine suspicious voters, and catch attempts to manipulate the voting process.
The public uses the Best of Omaha winners list to help them decide where to eat and shop, and who to use for health care, home, and auto-related services. Visitors and people who move to Omaha use Best of Omaha as a “playbook” to learn about the city. The Best of Omaha logo is a recognized and trusted symbol that is easy to spot.