Moulin Rouge! The Musical is coming to the Orpheum Theater May 28-June 9, 2024. This jukebox-style musical, based on the 2001 film by Baz Luhrmann, blends a mixture of original music and popular songs with intense visuals to create a whimsical, sparkling spectacle of a show.
Danny Burgos, who hails from Miami, portrays Santiago, one of the Bohemians in the show. “I was an athlete all throughout high school,” Burgos reflected, “and eventually my drama teacher said, ‘Hey, you’re really good at this.’” Burgos used the encouragement to pursue theater opportunities. That pursuit eventually landed him in this production of Moulin Rouge! The Musical.
“I love ‘Roxanne,’” said Burgos of his favorite musical number in the show. “It’s a really dynamic number. The lighting is beautiful, the choreography is incredible.”
When not sharing his musical talent on stage, Burgos works as a Registered Nurse in New York. His favorite thing about touring is “interviewing” different cities. “I like looking around and seeing what I like, to see where I might end up when I’m done with school,” he said. “Nebraska is one of the five states I haven’t been to,” he shared. “I’m excited, it’s another one to cross off the list!”
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