Daisy Hutzell-Rodman—Content Studios Omaha Managing Editor and Strategist
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman came to Omaha 25 years ago after marrying the love of her life and graduating from the University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communications. The former managing editor on the magazine side, she is now managing editor for Omaha Publications’ Content Studios Omaha—producing books, custom magazines, marketing collateral, and more— and contributes regularly to the magazines. She is on the boards of Iowa Women’s Alumni Network and Public Relations Society of America’s Nebraska Chapter. When not writing, she can be found watching movies and attending film festivals with her husband, local sound recordist Jeremy Wade Rodman or reading novels.
Julius Fredrick—Staff Writer
Julius Fredrick wears many masks. One of his favorites is his “writer” mask, which he whittles tirelessly for effect. It’s so convincing, he won a Great Plains Journalism award in 2020—for his first published article, no less. He enjoys bleak Russian literature and purple English tomes, though that could just be the mask talking. In truth, Fredrick probably wouldn’t recognize himself unadorned. As the late David Bowie once confessed: “So I turned myself to face me/But I’ve never caught a glimpse/How the others must see the faker/I’m much too fast to take that test.” So too, Fredrick keeps his dreams in motion.
Kim Carpenter—Editor-in-Chief,
Omaha Publications
This is Jasper Caddis. He had nothing to do with the production of the magazine, but he loves to eat….really, really loves to eat. It’s his favorite thing next to being bossy. He joins those two loves by yelling [aka barking] at his mom, Kim Carpenter, who fittingly enough wrote the food review for this issue. Kim spent several years living abroad with her husband, John. There she developed a fondness for fine cuisine and learned that sometimes it’s the small mom-and-pop establishments that offer the best authentic fare. Excuse her, while she jumps to Jasper’s command to feed him dinner on schedule.