One of the stories in this issue hit home for me—our health story. My sister had shingles that went into her eye. I asked her about her experience and want to pass what she wrote on to you.
"I am so pleased that Omaha Magazine is doing this article on shingles. I urge any of you who have not gotten the vaccination for shingles to do so as soon as possible.
“Twenty-four years ago this month I got shingles on my right upper eyelid, which then went into my eye. I was 58 years old. When shingles goes to your eye it stays there. Hopefully it is controlled. My experience has been less than optimal. Two-and-a-half years later I had surgery for glaucoma, which was a result of the large amount of steroids I had taken to control the shingles. After that, even with great medical care, my cornea became very scratched and thin. This resulted in greatly compromised vision in my eye. In April this year I noticed that my eye felt 'funny.' I went to see my ophthalmologist, who advised me that I had a torn cornea. A cornea specialist tried several procedures to repair the problem without success and then sewed my eyelid shut. I am now taking a new eye medication to stimulate nerve growth in the eye. This nerve growth is necessary for me to be able to have a cornea transplant. Wish me success.
"Fortunately there is now a very good vaccine available. Get that vaccine.”
This letter first appeared in the October 2019 edition of 60PLUS in Omaha Magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.