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The thing Cara Kirsch enjoys most about her job at SilverStone Group is the fact that she gets to help employers create employee benefit strategies that best serve their employees.r
“We work with a large number of employers—big and small—to help employers create employee benefit strategies that make the most sense for their organization,” she says. “We help them find solutions that meet their goals and objectives.”
Kirsch says she is very proud to count female business owners and women who lead administrative teams—including human resources—among her many clients. She also works with her fair share of men in these and similar roles.
Something else she’s particularly proud of is that she doesn’t do it alone. She represents a talented team focused on customer objectives with a holistic understanding of business.
“Together, we’re able to strategize and create a vision for our clients, and we’re very focused on compliance in our choices,” she says. “Because of this, we pride ourselves on retaining clients for the long term.”