Mission Statement
rThe mission of Avenue Scholars Foundation (ASF) is to ensure careers for committed students of hope and need through education/training and supportive relationships.r
Wish List
- r
- Business partners to participate in career-building opportunities for ASF students, such as career exploration events, mock interviews, job fairs, career consultations, job shadowing, internships, and apprenticeships. Part-time and full-time employment opportunities are greatly appreciated.
- r Financial contributions
Upcoming Events
rAvenue Scholars Foundation Wine Tasting and Vintner DinnerrNov. 15, 2018
Avenue Scholars Foundation Celebration LuncheonrLate April/Early May 2019rr
rASF provides comprehensive, individualized support and resources to help students from low-income families identify, persist toward, and enter financially sustaining careers. Students are selected based on financial need (eligibility for free or reduced-priced school lunches, or a federal Pell grant) and interest in pursuing a career requiring an associate degree or less in one of the following high-demand industry sectors: 1) health care, 2) information technology, 3) automotive technology/transportation, 4) trades/manufacturing/builders, and 5) business/office processes.r
Brag Lines
rASF has supported the career development of 2,106 students since its inception in 2008. Thanks to the generosity of the Suzanne and Walter Scott Foundation, and the ongoing support of Metropolitan Community College, ASF recently added direct scholarship assistance to the relationship-based support services provided by its dedicated staff. Beginning this past spring, all students who successfully complete ASF’s high school program will receive an $8,000 scholarship to continue their education/training at MCC.r
Pay it Forward
rBusinesses are encouraged to join ASF’s effort by providing career development and employment opportunities for Avenue Scholars students. Please contact ASF to discuss how a business can work with the foundation to support opportunities for Avenue Scholars while helping identify and develop the talent needed to grow Omaha businesses.r
Avenue Scholars Foundation
7101 Mercy Road Suite 240rOmaha, NE 68106r402-916-9777ravescholars.org
The Big Give was published in the September/October 2018 edition of Omaha Magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.