Originally published in April 2015 Her Family.
Being a jewelry designer, I take a lot of pride in showing off my little gems and finding ways to “DIY” wall hangings that draw attention to them in a unique and unexpected way. Too often I’ll forget about a great bracelet or statement piece if they’re tucked away in a jewelry box, so instead why not keep them out and in our line of sight? I’m a huge fan of displaying my glistening treasures on something equally beautiful, yet functional, disguised as easily accessible wall art. This trick presents your jewelry, placing it on display for quick and easy outfit accessorizing, while also doubling as a little bit of glamour for your otherwise plain walls.
Vintage Feed Sifter
Spray Paint
Fine Sand Paper
.5” Dowel Rod
Round Head Steel Screws (2 large, 8 small)
20 Steel Washers
10 Steel Spiral Hex Nuts
Braided Picture Anchor Wire
4 Picture Hangers
1. Find a vintage feed sifter, something with chicken wire or mesh base. It can be either metal (as the one shown) or wooden. I found mine at Junkstock last June.
2. Depending on your taste, find a spray paint that’ll stop any rust from showing through. I’m a huge fan of Rust-Oleum for those on a budget, or Montana Gold Acrylic Professional Spray Paint if you’d like more color options.
3. Using fine (150-180 grit) sand paper, smooth out rough spots and remove rust and dirt from the sifter. This will help the spray paint adhere to the surface of your finished display
4. Cut your dowel rod to the width of your display. Smooth the ends with the same sand paper.
5. Lay down cardboard or a large sheet of paper in a well-ventilated area. I prefer either a garage or outside in my yard.
6. Place your prepped sifter and dowel rod down on the cardboard and spray them to the color of your choice. Allow to dry a day or two indoors.
7. After your sifter is completely dry you can start adding the screw hooks. Using the holes already in the mesh, place the screw side of the hook through a steel washer (this provides an anchor in case the mesh holes are too big), then through one of the holes, through another steel washer, and secure on the back side with a hex screw.
8. Repeat Step 7 with the two larger steel screw hooks to create bracelet/ring holders. This is where you’ll place your dowel rod.
9. Once you’ve gotten all your screw hooks into place, flip the sifter over. Wedge two picture hooks on opposite sides of the mesh. Weave the anchor wire through the hooks so that it’s tight enough to hold up the display.
10. Use the remaining picture hooks to hang your display. And there you go! It’s ready for your jewels to be hung on it like the little pieces of art they are.