Mission statement
rTo put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.r
Wish List
rThe YMCA of Greater Omaha is always looking for volunteers to help strengthen the community, with a focus on youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.Additionally, the Y’s annual Strong Communities Campaign is the perfect time to donate to a local YMCA. r
Upcoming Events
- r
- rFree Community DayrThe first of every month
- rTwin Rivers YMCA Freedom RunrSept. 9, 2018
- rSarpy YMCAÂ Turkey TrotrNov. 22, 2018
- rHealthy Kids Day at Stinson ParkrApril 28, 2019
rThe YMCA of Greater Omaha’s cause is strengthening community. Every day, they work side-by-side with community residents to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income, or background has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive. The Y believes lasting social change can only come about when people work together to invest in their kids, their health, and their neighbors.rThe Y is for a better community.
Brag Lines
rLast year, more than 4,100 households in the Omaha area received $1.7 million in financial assistance from the YMCA of Greater Omaha.
In the Omaha metro, 28,000 children came to the Y to learn how to swim, play sports, and advance their education in STEM camps and Early Learning Centers.
There are nine Ys strengthening community in the Omaha metro. Last year, 65,000 Omaha-area adults and children made 1.4 million visits to improve their health.r
Pay it forward
rThe success of the Y is thanks to a passionate group of volunteers. There are many different ways to get involved with a local Y. People can make an impact in many ways, whether that is by coaching a youth sports team or serving as a local YMCA board member.
To learn more about how to help strengthen the community, reach out to Cara Wiese at cwiese@metroymca.org.r
YMCA of Greater Omaha
430 S. 20th St.rOmaha, NE 68102r402-977-4357rmetroymca.org
The Big Give was published in the September/October 2018 edition of Omaha Magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.