Even those who aren’t familiar with the name Scantron Technology Solutions know their work. Their clients began as schoolchildren who handed in bubble tests in grade school.
Scantron Technology Solutions founded in 1972, credits their longevity to the culture cultivated among their team. They have a knack for attracting top talent, and for retaining them through respect, loyalty, and opportunities to constantly advance.
V.P. of Managed IT at Scantron Kim Larsen stated: “Scantron has a positive culture and continues to educate our employees to make sure they are always staying up on the latest technology.”
Scantron considers the driving force behind their longevity the work/life balance they provide to their staff. Many staff members stay for decades, because Scantron keeps their team challenged, energetic, and filled with pride.
As technology advances, the call for techs who are ready and willing to stay ahead of change grows louder, and Scantron answers it with access to cutting edge training for the entire staff.
“We have a team of engineers with decades of expertise in cybersecurity, business continuity, network design and implementation, and a host of other critical skillsets,” Larsen said. “They regularly attend conferences and trainings, and so do our employed field service technicians. We also benefit from a network effect, where we apply learning from one engineer or customer engagement across the entire customer base.”
She continued, “To this day, as part of our Scantron DNA, we embrace our founders’ spirit of entrepreneurship, invention, innovation, and civic duty.” The company thrives because its people, values, and culture deliver the “secret formula” for IT to so many clients.
That is why Scantron is the right answer for IT service and support.
2020 S. 156th CirclerOmaha, NE 68130r800.722.6876rscantron.com