Jeff Doll has become known to Nebraskans as a passionate advocate for legislation, exempting licensed cigar lounges from the 2009 statewide ban on indoor smoking. But it wasn’t until 2012 that he made the leap from cigar enthusiast to cigar lounge owner, leaving behind a comfortable retirement from his first career in beverage wholesaling and distribution to purchase the storefront of a failing cigar lounge. Doll soon transformed the space into a premier cigar lounge in partnership with fellow cigar aficionado John VanMeeteren.
Today, Safari Cigars & Lounge features a state-of-the-art walk-in humidor and boasts a great selection of world-class cigars from the finest suppliers. The establishment provides an array of humidors and other quality cigar accessories, and a posh lounge—perfect for private events as well as the regular walk-in crowd—compliments the cigar lifestyle with a full bar, including an exceptional selection of spirits that has become a second chief draw. Doll also hosts special monthly vendor events that feature new cigar releases, and, in partnership with liquor distributors, showcase creative pairing opportunities.
13110 Birch Drive, Omaha, NE 68164
402.965.1460 ·
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