We invite you to join Omaha Magazine for our June issue launch party on Sunday, June 2, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Florence Mill Farmer's Market.
This is our annual food issue, featuring a roundup of new places to eat around Omaha, a food tour of Southeast Asia from Omaha chef Tim Maides, the best places to get fried pickles, and all the usual suspects.
Don't forget to sign up for the watermelon-eating contest taking place at noon. Then stick around after for some sweet tunes from special guest, Joshua Hoffman.r
Check out the wares and learn about the history of the mill, and be sure to pick up your copy of the magazine!
rPlease come out to the Florence Mill Farmer's Market and help us celebrate our city's food culture.
Here's a little preview (from last year's event) of what to expect .