Event times and details may change. Check with venue or event organizer to confirm.
Fall Chrysanthemum ShowrThrough Nov. 17 at Lauritzen Gardens, 100 Bancroft St. This annual event will celebrate and highlight Lauritzen’s Conservation Program throughout the past 10 years. Admission: $10 adults, $5 children ages 6-12, free for members and children under 6. 402.346.4002.r—lauritzengardens.org
RACE: Are We So Different?rThrough Jan. 5 at Durham Museum, 801 S. 10th St. This exhibit offers a first-of-its-kind look at race in the United States from biological, cultural, and historical points of view. Admission: $11 adults, $8 seniors (62+), $7 children ages 3-12, free for members and children under 3. 402.444.5071.r—durhammuseum.org
Paul Anthony SmithrThrough Jan. 19 at Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge St. Smith takes photographs in New York City and Jamaica and alters them with wooden tools. His work explores the concept of identity, particularly in people who have migrated to new countries and cultures. Admission: free. 402.342.3300.r—joslyn.org
Word and Image: The Saint John’s BiblerThrough Jan. 19 at Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge St. This ticketed exhibit features 76 pages from the first handwritten illuminated bible commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in over 600 years. Admission: $10 adults, $5 college students with ID, free for members and youth under 18. 402.342.3300.r—joslyn.org
Louder Than Words: Rock, Power & PoliticsrThrough Feb. 2 at Durham Museum, 801 S. 10th St. From civil rights to feminism to war and peace, rock music has influenced how we think about cultural and social issues. This interactive exhibit explores the effects of rock music from Eisenhower to Trump, and includes exclusive video interviews with Bono and Jimmy Carter. Admission: $11 adults, $8 seniors (62+), $7 children ages 3-12, free for members and children under 3. 402.444.5071.r—durhammuseum.org
Everyday People: The Art of James E. RansomerThrough Feb. 9 at Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge St. A celebration of the simple, joyful moments in life. Admission: free. 402.342.3300.r—joslyn.org
Diggin’ DinosrThrough April 11 at Omaha Children’s Museum, 500 S. 20th St. Dinosaurs meet construction equipment in this new, larger-than-life exhibit that features life-size animatronic dinosaurs, kid-sized construction equipment, and a digging and building area. Admission: $13 adults and children ages 2+, $12 seniors (60+) and free to members and children under 2. 402.342.6164.r—ocm.org
rNicki Byram, Inna Kulagina, and Charlene PotterrNov. 5-24 at Omaha Artists’ Cooperative, 405 S. 11th St. Byram creates colorful abstract works, Kulagina works with fiber art, and Potter, rightfully, is a ceramics artist. Admission: free. 402.342.9617.r—artistscoopomaha.comr
Frida Kahlo’s GardenrOpening Nov. 9 at El Museo Latino, 4701 S. 25th St. The garden at Kahlo’s lifelong home in Coyoacán, Mexico City, was filled with native plants, and housed Kahlo and husband Diego Rivera’s collection of pre-Hispanic artifacts and folk art displayed on a four-tiered pyramid inspired by the Mesoamerican city of Teotihuacan. Admission: $5 adults, $4 college students (with ID), $3.50 senior citizens and children ages 5+, and free to active military (with ID) and children under 5. 402.731.1137.r—elmuseolatino.org
Funtastic Fibers at the GardenrOpening Nov. 14 at Lauritzen Gardens, 100 Bancroft St. Funtastic Fibers is a textile art group based in Omaha. Some come from traditional quilting backgrounds, others have worked in textile arts from the beginning. This exhibit showcases their work. Admission: $10 adults, $5 ages 6-12, free for members and children under 6. 402.346.4002.r—lauritzengardens.org
Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens ProjectrOpening Nov. 20 at Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, 724 S. 12th St. This exhibit will explore the communication of birds and the possibility of communication between different species of animals. Admission: free. 402.341.7130.r—bemiscenter.org
Holiday Poinsettia ShowrOpening Nov. 23 at Lauritzen Gardens, 100 Bancroft St. This annual exhibition displays thousands of plants, model trains, and miniature Omaha-area landmarks. Admission: $10 adults, $5 children ages 6-12, free for members and children under 6. 402.346.4002.r—lauritzengardens.org
Holiday Cultural Trees DisplayrOpening Nov. 29 at Durham Museum, 801 S. 10th St. The display showcases how cultures from around the world celebrate the holiday season. Each tree is decorated by a local Omaha ethnic society and is accompanied by interpretative text explaining the meaning behind the various decorations and unique traditions of each culture. Admission: $11 adults, $8 seniors (62+), $7 children (3-12), free for members and children under 3. 402.444.5071.r—durhammuseum.org
OPS High School Art ShowrDecember at Hot Shops, 1301 Nicholas St. Omaha Public Schools art departments are showcasing their students’ talents with a group show of the best teenage artists in Omaha. Admission: free. 402.342.6452.r—hotshopsartcenter.com
All Member ShowrDec. 3-29 at Artists’ Cooperative Gallery, 405 S. 11th St. The 30+ artists who belong to the co-op will show their latest work at this annual exhibit. Visitors can see everything from drawings to paintings to pottery to fiber arts and more. Admission: free. 402.342.9617.r—artistscoopomaha.com
This calendar was printed in the November/December 2019 edition of Omaha Magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.