Event times and details may change. Check with venue or event organizer to confirm.
March 1 (7-10:30 p.m.)rAn Evening on the Italian RivierarBenefiting: Diabetes-related causesrLocation: il Palazor—cosmopolitan.org
March 1-2 (times vary)rRestore Nebraska Conference featuring Daniel G. CareyrBenefiting: Restoration ExchangerLocation: Fort Omaha Campus at Metropolitan Community Colleger—restorationexchange.org
March 2 (noon-4 p.m.)rOmaha Barstool OpenrBenefiting: United Cerebral Palsy of NebraskarLocation: the Old Marketr—ucpnebraska.org
March 2 (1-4 p.m.)rUncorkedrBenefiting: Angels Among UsrLocation: Fleming’sr—myangelsamongus.org
March 2 (5:30 p.m.-midnight)rCruise Away to the Emerald IslerBenefiting: Stephen CenterrLocation: Champions Runr—stephencenter.org
March 3 (7 a.m.)rHeat the Streets Run & Walk for WarmthrBenefiting: Common Fund of the HeartlandrLocation: Midtown Crossingr—heatthestreetsomaha.org
March 3 (10:30 a.m.)r15th Annual Walk and Roll for DisabilitiesrBenefiting: Meyer Foundation for DisabilitiesrLocation: Oak View Mallr—mfdisabilities.org
March 3 (noon-6 p.m.)rHooleyrBenefiting: Ladies Ancient Order of HiberniansrLocation: Firefighters Union Hallr—laohomaha.org
March 5 (all day)rSpread the Word to End the WordrBenefiting: Goodwill IndustriesrLocation: Goodwill Corporate Headquartersr—goodwillomaha.org
March 7 (11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.)rHeroes in the Heartland LuncheonrBenefiting: American Red CrossrLocation: Hilton Omahar—redcross.org/neia
March 7 (6-9 p.m.)rComedy for ChangerBenefiting: Set Me Free ProjectrLocation: A View on Stater—setmefreeproject.net
March 8 (5:30-8:30 p.m.)rVoices of DignityrBenefiting: Table GracerLocation: St. Thomas Lutheran Churchr—tablegracecafe.com
March 9 (5:30-9:30 p.m.)rCelebrity Chef 2019: An Evening with Chef Tyler FlorencerBenefiting: Food Bank of the HeartlandrLocation: Embassy Suites-La Vistar—foodbankheartland.org
March 9 (7-11 p.m.)rPerfect PourrBenefiting: Nebraska Children and Families FoundationrLocation: Scoular Ballroomr—perfectpour.org
March 13 (11:30-1 p.m.)rSilver Ribbon Event with Dr. Christopher WillardrBenefiting: Children’s Respite Care CenterrLocation: Marriott Regencyr—crccomaha.org
March 16 (5:30-11 p.m.)rHolt International GalarBenefiting: Holt InternationalrLocation: Embassy Suites-La Vistar—holtinternational.org
March 16 (5:30-11 p.m.)rIrish Fest 2019rBenefiting: Catholic Charities OmaharLocation: Marriott Capitol Districtr—ccomaha.org
March 17 (11 a.m.-7 p.m.)rCorned Beef and Cabbage FeedrBenefiting: Tangier ShrinerLocation: Tangier Shrine Centerr—tangiershrine.com
March 21-23 (times vary)rImana Kids Gala & Fundraiser SeriesrBenefiting: Imana KidsrLocations: variousr—imanakids.org
March 23 (noon-2 p.m.)rFrom Pillboxes to Headbands, Fashion from the 1960srBenefiting: Douglas County Historical SocietyrLocation: Institute of Culinary Artsr—douglascohistory.org
March 23 (7-10 p.m.)r15th annual artVenturerBenefiting: Girl Scouts Spirit of NebraskarLocation: Mammel Hall at UNOr—girlscoutsnebraska.org
March 23 (6-10 p.m.)rHeritage AwardsrBenefiting: CHI Health FoundationrLocation: Mid-America Centerr—chihealth.com
March 24 (4 p.m.)r25th annual Celebration of Spirit DinnerrBenefiting: Notre Dame SistersrLocation: Mainelli Hall at St. Robert Bellarminer—notredamesisters.org
March 24 (5:30-9 p.m.)rRock the Nest Trivia NightrBenefiting: Central High SchoolrLocation: Omaha Design Centerr—chsfomaha.org
March 29 (noon)rTable Art 2019: Prepping for Spring with Mackenzie ChildsrBenefiting: Omaha Symphony GuildrLocation: Champions Runr—omahasymphony.org
March 29, 2019 (5-10 p.m.)rMarch MadnessrBenefiting: Boys and Girls Clubs of the MidlandsrLocation: The Grass Wagonr—bgcomaha.org
March 29 (6:30-9:30 p.m.)rSpring Benefit: Spotlight on EducationrBenefiting: Omaha Community PlayhouserLocation: Omaha Community Playhouser—omahaplayhouse.com
March 30 (9 a.m.)rQuarter ManiarBenefiting: Open Door MissionrLocation: Garland Thompson Men’s Center Chapelr—opendoormission.org
March 30 (4-9 p.m.)rRelease Ministries Annual Banquet and 25-Year CelebrationrBenefiting: Release MinistriesrLocation: Scott Conference Center at UNOr—releaseministries.org
March 30 (4-11 p.m.)rKnights on the Fairway—Going for the GreenrBenefiting: Mount Michael BenedictinerLocation: SAC Museumr—mountmichael.com
March 30 (4 p.m.-2 a.m.)rRelay for Life of Creighton UniversityrBenfitting: American Cancer SocietyrLocation: Kiewit Fitness Centerr—cancer.org
March 30 (5-9 p.m.)rvinNebraska Public Wine Tasting and Grand AuctionrBenefiting: Omaha Public Schools FoundationrLocation: Ramada Plazar—vinnebraska.com
March 30 (5:30-9 p.m.)rThe GatheringrBenefiting: CUES Supported SchoolsrLocation: CHI Health Center Omahar—cuesschools.org
March 30 (6 p.m.)r2019 Barrister’s Ball: The Wonderful World of WonkarBenefiting: Nebraska Lawyers Foundation programsrLocation: Embassy Suites-La Vistar—nevlp.org
March 30 (6-9 p.m.)rFourth Annual Gala Fundraiser: Vegas NightsrBenefiting: Bennington Schools FoundationrLocation: A View on State Streetr—benningtonschoolsfoundation.org
March 31 (noon)r2019 Walk & Rally for HoperBenefiting: ALS in the HeartlandrLocation: Baxter Arenar—alsintheheartland.org
April 3 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)rSpeaking of Children Luncheon with Sasha Joseph NeulingerrBenefiting: Project HarmonyrLocation: CHI Health Center Omahar—projectharmony.com
April 4 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)rSpring Luncheon featuring Laura DowlingrBenefiting: Lauritzen Gardens GuildrLocation: Lauritzen Gardensr—lauritzengardens.org
April 5 (6-9 p.m.)rCircle of DreamsrBenefiting: St. Augustine Mission SchoolrLocation: St. Robert Bellarmine’s Mainelli Centerr—staugustinemission.org
April 5 (6:30-10 p.m.)rWine Women and ShoesrBenefiting: Carolyn Scott Rainbow HouserLocation: Omaha Design Centerr—winewomenandshoes.com
April 6 (10 a.m.)rStrengthen Our Survivors brunchrBenefiting: Heartland Family ServicerLocation: Oak Hills Country Clubr—heartlandfamilyservice.org
April 6 (4 p.m.)rBig Basketball BashrBenefiting: Big Brothers Big Sisters of the MidlandsrLocation: Scott Conference Center at UNOr—bbbsomaha.org
April 6 (5-9 p.m.)rHeart of Camp GalarBenefiting: Carol Joy Holling CamprLocation: La Vista Conference Centerr—caroljoyholling.org
April 6 (5:30-9:30 p.m.)rComedy and CuisinerBenefiting: St. Cecilia Cathedral SchoolrLocation: St. Cecilia Cathedral Schoolr—stcecilia.net
April 6 (5:30-10 p.m.)rFifth Annual Pink Ribbon AffairrBenefiting: Susan G. Komen FoundationrLocation: Hilton Omahar—komennebraska.org
April 7 (noon-2:30 p.m.)rHumanitarian Brunch featuring Vu LerBenefiting: Inclusive CommunitiesrLocation: Scott Conference Centerr—inclusive-communities.org
April 10 (10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.)rAssistance League of Omaha Luncheon and Style ShowrBenefiting: Assistance League of OmaharLocation: Champions Runr—alomaha.org
April 10 (11:30-1:30 p.m.)r2019 Author Luncheon, featuring Jessica LaheyrBenefiting: Completely KidsrLocation: Hilton Omahar—completelykids.org
April 11 (6-10 p.m.)rEvening with FriendsrBenefiting: CHI MidlandsrLocation: CHI Midlands Hospitalr—chihealth.com
April 12 (5-10 p.m.)rKicks for a Cure Annual DinnerrBenefiting: Kicks for a CurerLocation: Marriott Capitol Districtr—kicksforacure.org
April 12 (5:30-8:30 p.m.)r14th Annual Men of Honor featuring Frederick Douglas Haynes IIIrBenefiting: 100 Black Men of OmaharLocation: Hilton Downtownr—100blackmenofomaha.org
April 12-13 (times vary)rBig DREAM Weekend with bowling, tailgating, and morerBenefiting: DREAMrLocations: variousr—joindream.org
April 13 (all day)rScouting for FoodrBenefiting: local food banksrLocation: donors’ homesr—mac-bsa.org/scoutingforfood
April 13 (9 a.m.-noon)rFunfestrBenefiting: Autism Society of NebraskarLocation: Ralston Arenar—autismnebraska.org
April 13 (times vary)rKicks for a Cure Soccer ExhibitionrBenefiting: Kicks for a CurerLocation: Caniglia Field at UNO and Morrison Stadium at Creighton Universityr—kicksforacure.org
April 13 (5 p.m.)rFeather Our Nest Golden JubileerBenefiting: Fontenelle Forest GuildrLocation: Marriott Capitol Districtr—fontenelleforest.org
April 13 (5:30-9 p.m.)rFesta del LeonerBenefiting: Roncalli Catholic High SchoolrLocation: Roncalli Catholic High Schoolr—roncallicatholic.org
April 13 (5:30-10 p.m.)rOmaha Symphony Gala featuring Wayne BradyrBenefiting: Omaha SymphonyrLocation: Holland Performing Arts Centerr—omahasymphony.org
April 13 (6-9:30 p.m.)r10th Annual Celebrating CommunityrBenefiting: Omaha Together One CommunityrLocation: KANEKOr—otoc.org
April 14 (3 p.m.)rPops and PierBenefiting: Intergeneration Orchestra of OmaharLocation: Witherspoon Concert Hall at Joslyn Art Museumr—igoomaha.org
April 17 (6-9 p.m.)rOmaha Business Hall of FamerBenefiting: Greater Omaha ChamberrLocation: Holland Performing Arts Centerr—omahachamber.org/BHOF
April 18 (7-8:30 a.m.)rCommunity BreakfastrBenefiting: Bellevue Public Schools FoundationrLocation: Lied Activity Centerr—bellevuepublicschoolsfoundation.org
April 18 (8:30-11 a.m.)rClaussen-Leahy Maverick RunrBenefiting: UNO AthleticsrLocation: Baxter Arenar—omavs.com
April 18 (11:30-1 p.m.)rCan Do LuncheonrBenefiting: Kids CanrLocation: Marriott Capitol Districtr—kidscanomaha.org
April 19 (6-10 p.m.)rHope BrewsrBenefiting: Cystic Fibrosis FoundationrLocation: Founders One-Niner—cff.org/nebraska
April 19 (7-10 p.m.)rRivALZ—Blondes vs. BrunettesrBenefiting: Alheimer’s AssociationrLocation: Omaha Sports Complexr—alz.nebraska.org
April 24 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)rFusion 2019 Featuring Elin HilderbrandrBenefiting: Nebraska Medicine GuildrLocation: Omaha Design Centerr—nebraskamed.com/about-us/guild
April 26 (6:30-10 p.m.)rNight of CelebrationrBenefiting: CHI Health ImmanuelrLocation: Omaha Design Centerr—chihealth.com
April 26 (7 p.m.)rGuns ’N’ HosesrBenefiting: First Responders FoundationrLocation: Baxter Arenar—firstrespondersomaha.org
April 26 and 27 (times vary)rBowl for Kids’ SakerBenefiting: Big Brothers Big Sisters of the MidlandsrLocation: Maplewood Lanesr—bbbsomaha.org
April 27 (9 a.m.)rMarch for BabiesrBenefiting: March of DimesrLocation: Lewis & Clark Landingr—marchforbabies.org
April 27 (9 a.m.-noon)rNebraska Lymphoma WalkrBenefiting: Lymphoma Research FoundationrLocation: Mahoney State Parkr—lymphoma.org
April 27 (10 a.m.-1 p.m.)rEighth Annual Spring LuncheonrBenefiting: Santa Monica HouserLocation: DC Centrer—santamonicahouse.org
April 27 (2-4 p.m.)rWalk for Infertility AwarenessrBenefiting: Conceive NebraskarLocation: Midtown Crossingr—conceivenebraska.org
April 27 (5-8 p.m.)rBeach Bash 2019: Riding the Waves for 140 YearsrBenefiting: Creighton PreprLocation: Heider Center at Creighton Prepr—creightonprep.creighton.edu
April 27 (5-11 p.m.)rBlue Jeans & DreamsrBenefiting: Heartland Equine Therapeutic Riding AcademyrLocation: HETRA barnr—hetra.org
April 27 (6 p.m.)rBlue Jeans BallrBenefiting: Make-A-Wish of NebraskarLocation: Hilton Omahar—nebraska.wish.org
April 27 (6-9 p.m.)rDining With DogsrBenefiting: Nebraska Humane SocietyrLocation: Baxter Subarur—nehumanesociety.org
April 28 (11 a.m.-2 p.m.)rLadle of Love FestivalrBenefiting: Open Door MissionrLocation: Garland Thompson Men’s Centerr—opendoormission.org
April 30 (5:30-9 p.m.)rBoys Town Booster Banquet featuring Bruce BowenrBenefiting: Boys TownrLocation: Embassy Suites-La Vistar—boystown.org
This calendar was printed in the March/April 2019 edition of Omaha Magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.