Fall is a great time for business, isn’t it? The lingering summer heat is gone, the leaves are turning color, and the crisp air begs for a good mood and increased production.This issue of B2B has some great stories for you to read. Our In the Office feature is about Kutak Rock, which is situated in a historic building and features great artwork throughout the space.On the Rise is about speaker Kyler Erickson, who is making a name for himself as an ESPN announcer and travels around the country speaking out about his experiences with PTSD. It’s a great story about a young Omahan who has overcome a horrific situation.October is a great month for charitable giving, and many of you in business are gathering money for the United Way of the Midlands. The organization thanks you—this important charity has been thriving since the late 1800s, and it continues to do good work today. They are the subject of our Biz+Giving this issue.Speaking of charitable giving, one great organization is losing its longtime leader this year. Karen Daneu of Komen Great Plains has announced her retirement late this year. She has done incredible work in her eight-year tenure with the organization. Perhaps some of you will participate in her More Than Pink Walk, which takes place Oct. 6.As fall is a big time for trade shows, many companies are ordering large quantities of branded pens, baseball caps, and coffee tumblers. Did you know, however, that many of these come from a company in Omaha? Bergman Incentives has been creating branded items for companies worldwide for many years.There are many reasons to do great business in the fall, and many great stories in this issue. I hope you enjoy them, and we look forward to the next issue—our annual Women in Business edition.
This letter was printed in the October 2019 edition of B2B Magazine.