The new year is a time of reflection and change. That’s why so many people start January 1 saying, “I’m going on a diet,” around Jan. 31 and end up chocolate on Valentine’s Day.
The magazine Inc. reported that, in a survey of 2,000 random people, 16 percent of them claimed “Find another job” to be their New Year’s resolution. It was the eighth most popular response. In this issue, we highlight a few ways that people are taking on career opportunities.
Event planning is projected to be a growing career field over the next few years, so we dedicated a portion of this magazine specifically to event planning.
It is a field I happen to know well. For several years, I ran the Omaha Press Club’s awards show, and I helped with other events, including the 600-person Face on the Barroom Floor for Doug and Greg McDermott.
Those events, and others, are how I knew publisher Bob Hoig, an OPC member and recipient of several club awards. I, along with several others in this office, were sorry to hear of Bob’s passing in January, and we send our friends at Midlands Business Journal our heartfelt sympathies.r
rRead our tribute to Hoig here: (published online and alongside this letter in B2B Magazine).
This letter was printed in the February/March 2019 edition of B2B Magazine.