Elman sales executive Adam Michaelsen can’t help but be excited about some new additions to Elman Print, including the nine new pieces of state-of-the-art equipment added in the last 18 months. Some of the equipment is designed to take a lot of the burden of physical labor off the employees while some of it was ordered because employees expressed an interest in a new challenge. “Our staff was ready to step outside the box and try something new, like die cutting, embossing, and foil stamping,” says Michaelsen, adding that Elman Print's leadership has a long history of listening to employees and poising them for success in new challenges. “The culture Mark has developed means looking out for our employees and customers. It’s like a family environment—we’re so close knit,” says sales executive Kelsey Elman-Goldsmith, referring to president Mark Elman.
Elman Print has been encouraging employees to learn and excel. “Mark likes to make lives better for employees,” says Goldsmith. Goldsmith explains that Mark makes his equipment purchases in a very calculated way; not only does he listen to employee needs and wants, but it’s also about “continued growth.”
Visitors to Elman Print will likely notice the visible age differences among the staff. This mix of older employees working alongside younger employees isn’t a chance happening. It’s intentional, and it’s part of what helps Elman Print succeed. “It’s refreshing to see the young faces along with the experienced generation that’s been around for years and years,” says Michaelsen. “It’s a cool blend and it’s neat to see. The younger employees learn the tricks of the trade while the veteran employees learn all the newest technology and innovations.”
With such a wide spectrum of ages working at Elman Print, there is “no lapse in knowledge,” explains Goldsmith. “We have a legacy of employees who are proud to work at Elman. When the ages of all 35 employees working here are averaged together, the median age is 42—some of those employees have been with the company since 1977.”
“So while some people might say, ‘Wow, you have some really young staff,’ the truth is that it’s intended and strategic,” says Michaelsen. Goldsmith agrees, saying, “The veteran employees will always be a part of our legacy, and the younger employees are eager to step up to the plate. We want to have a seamless transfer of roles when the time comes.”
The result is a well-trained team, armed with state-of-the-art technology, serving a loyal customer base. “It’s rewarding to have customers come back every time,” says Michaelsen. “They’re putting faith in our team. If they come to us with a big project and not a lot of time to do it, we hit the ground running. It’s gratifying that they have faith and trust in our team.”
It’s no wonder customers have so much trust in Elman Print. The very first press used by the company is still in use right alongside the newest equipment because of the company’s longstanding practice of maintaining equipment impeccably. “We’re planning ahead with our equipment and software for the future,” says Goldsmith. “We’re not going anywhere; we’re in it for the long haul.” Goldsmith is referring to the newest piece of equipment on the Elman Print production floor, a brand-new large format press that will launch Elman into a new market.
Similarly to all the staff working together seamlessly, all the equipment is synced using advanced software that allows the equipment to “talk” to each other. Modern technology allows Elman the flexibility to print on “just about anything,” says Goldsmith.
It’s a formula that’s worked well for Elman Print for more than 40 years: the old and the new, working side by side to get the job done. As time goes on, the faces of Elman may change, as may the equipment used to get the job done, but the high level of customer service and the quality of work will never change.
Interestingly, the sales staff is trained on the entire printing process. “The sales staff can do anything within the shop,” says Goldsmith. “Mark saw and understood the importance of understanding the print process from beginning to end. As salespeople we can’t explain the process without learning it ourselves. It took time but paid dividends in the long run,” says Michaelsen.
Elman Print strives to be more than a printer; they want to be a partner to their customers. They want their products to be a piece of the puzzle that helps clients succeed. “When our clients see success, we’re proud to be their partner,” says Goldsmith. “We exceed our client’s expectations on every job and continue our culture of trust and continuous improvement.”
6210 S. 118th St.rOmaha, NE 68137r402.346.0888relmanprint.com
This sponsored content appears in the August/September 2018 edition of B2B.