Thursday, June 18: Love local music? Register asap for tonight’s Virtual @ Low End concert featuring the talented Dereck Higgins. For this performance, the Nebraska Music Hall of Fame inductee and three-time OEAA winner will play a variety of his electronic compositions with live accompaniment. He also plans to improvise several ambient pieces. Learn more about him here, and reserve your tickets here now.

Friday, June 19: The coronavirus has taken its toll on a lot of celebrations, including the annual NAACP Juneteenth! Parade, which they are planning to reschedule for sometime in August. But that doesn’t mean things aren’t happening. Change of Omaha is partnering with Emmanuel Charles and Spark CDI to host a community garden hour and donation drive. All items will be donated to Abide Omaha. Find more details here. (They are also hosting a community cleanup at Fontenelle Park on Saturday starting at 10 a.m.) Or get down to the Juneteenth Festival happening on South 16th Street, featuring lots of live music. Check that out here.

Friday, June 19 to Sunday, June 21: Who doesn’t love a night under the stars? And shopping for recycled/upcycled stuff? If those activities are right up your alley, a trip to Junkstock: Underneath the Stars is a must. They are extending the hours and taking special precautions, which you can read about here. All your favorites will be making an appearance—twinkling lights, hot air balloons, bonfires, and fireflies. Oh! And it’s pet-friendly. Get all the details you need here.

Saturday, June 20: If you would like to join in a peaceful gathering to build awareness and educate others about injustices, you can attend Walk to West Omaha #BLM Saturday evening. The walk starts in Lakeside Hills Park and will end at 175th Street and West Center Road. Organizers will provide limited waters, masks, and extra posters. This event will begin with speakers and end in a prayer before the walk begins. Learn more about it here.

Sunday, June 21: Prepare yourself for dad jokes, because Father’s Day is this weekend! We tried to put together some unique experiences for you and your dad of choice to do this weekend.
Pinoy Grill Father’s Day Kamayan: This Bellevue Filipino restaurant is offering a special menu for Father’s Day.
Garage Sale at St. Cecilia (Begins June 20): The church will be taking special precautions due to coronavirus. More info on that here.
Father’s Day at Werner Park: This Father's Day worship service features music, games, and guest speaker Doug McDermott.
Jumpin Kate at Soaring Wings Vineyard: If your father is an oenophile who likes live music, this is your destination.
Rhythm Collective at Junkstock: This event is for mom and dad, giving them the opportunity to relax and maybe do a little dancing.