Art & Museum Exhibits
rNancy Friedemann-Sanchezr Through March 8 at Fred Simon Gallery, 1004 Farnam St., lower level. Friedemann-Sanchez describes her art as “a bicultural and transcultural experience” as it focuses on her migration from Colombia to the United States. Admission: free. 402-595-2122.r—
Three Generations of Women Photographersr Through March 10 at El Museo Latino, 4701 S. 25th St. This exhibit features Lola Álvarez Bravo, her student Mariana Yampolsky, and photographer Cristina Kahlo. All three have ties to Frida Kahlo. Admission: $5 general, $4 students, $3.50 seniors and children K-12, and free to members. 402-731-1137.r—
Open House/Open Studiosr March 10 at Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts 724 S. 12th St. Current artists-in-residence and 2018 curator-in-residence Taraneh Fazeli will give brief presentations about their artistic and curatorial practices. The event includes live performance, a chance to visit the artist-in-residence live/work studios, and participation in an all-ages art activity. Noon. Admission: free. 402-341-7130.r—
lightr Through March 23 at KANEKO, 1111 Jones St. Visual art, performances, lectures, youth education, and hands-on creative experiences will empower visitors to see the world in a whole new light. Admission: free. 402-341-3800.r—
Nebraska Sixty-Five Plusr Through March 25 at Gallery 1516, 1516 Leavenworth St. More than 65 pieces of art from artists age 65 and older will be on display at this exhibition dedicated to artist Dan Boylan, who passed away in 2017. Admission: free (but donations encouraged). 402-305-1510.r—
Oil and Waterr Through March 31 at Artists’ Cooperative, 405 S. 11th St. View artwork from local painters Linda Hatfield and Katrina Methot-Swanson, both of whom use vibrant colors in their work. Admission: free. 402-342-9617.r—
Forever Forestr Through April 15 at Omaha Children’s Museum, 500 S. 20th St. This national exhibit explores sustainability, selective harvesting, transportation needs, and the everyday products made from trees. Admission: $12 adults and children over 2, $11 seniors, free to members and children under 24 months. 402-342-6164.r—
I See That Fable Differently: Selections from Creighton University’s Carlson Fable Collectionr Through April 29 at Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge St. This exhibition will examine a dozen of Aesop’s fables with a variety of objects from printed materials to ceramic dishware, assemblage sculpture, and a set of nesting dolls. A companion exhibition will be viewable at Creighton’s Lied Art Gallery. Admission: free. 402-342-3300.r—
Word/Play: Prints, Photographs, and Paintings by Ed Ruschar Through May 6 at Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge St. The first major exhibition featuring Ruscha in his home state of Nebraska, Word/Play brings together prints, photographs, and artist books, complemented by a selection of major paintings. Ruscha’s use of the written word is a signature element of his work. Tickets: $10 general, $5 students with valid ID, free to members and youth (17 and under). 402-342-3300.r—
Metamorphosis: Works by Sayaka Ganz and Aurora Robsonr Through May 13 at Lauritzen Gardens, 100 Bancroft St. This exhibit is constructed of found, recycled, and reused plastic objects. Equal parts artistic and educational, it will feature fine art accompanied by a message of environmental stewardship. Admission: $10 adults, $5 for children 6-12, free for garden members and children under 6. 402-346-4002.r—
Fighting for the Right to Fight: African-American Experiences in World War IIr Through July 15 at Durham Museum, 801 S. 10th St. The exhibit features artifacts, photographs, and oral histories to highlight some of the extraordinary achievements and challenges of African-Americans during World War II, both overseas and at home. Admission: $11 adults, $8 seniors (62+), $7 children (3-12), and free to children age 2 and under and members. 402-444-5071.r—
Women in Omaha: A Biographical Sketch of Persistence through Historyr Through July 29 at Durham Museum, 801 S. 10th St. The Durham Museum is partnering with the University of Nebraska-Omaha’s History Department and Service Learning Academy to produce an immersive, interdisciplinary experience focused on Nebraska women and their experience in the Midwest. Admission: $11 adults, $8 seniors (62+), $7 children (3-12), and free to children age 2 and under and members. 402-444-5071.r—
Omaha in the Anthropocener Starting March 10 at Durham Museum, 801 S. 10th St. This collaborative exhibit centers on the material history of the Anthropocene using objects from the collection of The Durham Museum in partnership with Creighton University’s History Department. The Anthropocene is the Earth’s most recent geologic time period as influenced by humans. Admission: $11 adults, $8 seniors (62+), $7 children (3-12), and free to children age 2 and under and members. 402-444-5071.r—
American Adventurer March 17-July 29 at Durham Museum, 801 S. 10th St. This exhibit takes visitors on an immersive, educational role-play that asks them to conquer one great challenge: survive the year as one of the original Jamestown colonists. Admission: $11 adults, $8 seniors (62+), $7 children (3-12), and free to children age 2 and under and members. 402-444-5071.r—
Bemis arttalk, reception, and seriesr March 22-June 2 at Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, 724 South 12th St. Sick Time, Sleepy Time, Crip Time: Against Capitalism’s Temporal Bullying focuses on how the body is articulated in various discourses oriented around health. Additionally, an associated program series entitled The Warp and Weft of Care will occur as a dialogue between many of the artists in the exhibition and local communities of care, with some events open to the public taking place at Bemis and other closed-door collaborations occurring off-site at partner organizations. Admission: free. 402-341-7130.r—
Dia del Niño / Day of the Childr April 28 at El Museo Latino, 4701 S. 25th St. This day is to celebrate and recognize children. The museum will have special activities and exhibits just for children. 12 p.m. Admission: Free. 402-731-1137.r—
Event times and details may change. Check with venue or event organizer to confirm.