Featured Event:rFeb. 10 (7-9 p.m.)rDancing With the Omaha StarsrRalston Arenardancingwiththeomahastars.comrIt’s back! Omaha stars Tony Veland, Chinh Doan, Jared Robinson, Miss Omaha, and others will strut their stuff in front of a panel of judges that includes Tom Osbourne, Mayor Jean Stothert, and Todd Schmaderer. While the Mirror Ball goes to the dancer who scores the highest, the other revered trophy in this contest is the Bella Award, given to the star who raises the most money for TeamMates.
Jan. 10 (6-9 p.m.)rOutland Trophy Award DinnerrBenefiting: The Greater Omaha Sports CommitteerLocation: Downtown DoubleTreer—showofficeonline.comr
Jan. 12 (6-9 p.m.)rCelebration of Life Dinner FundraiserrBenefiting: Nebraskans United for LiferLocation: DC Centrer—nebraskansunitedforlife.org
Jan. 19 (5-7 p.m.)rVictory Boxing Club Seventh Annual BanquetrBenefiting: Victory Boxing ClubrLocation: Bellevue Christian Centerr—victoryboxingclub.org
Jan. 20 (6-10:30 p.m.)rMidlands Community Foundation Reflection BallrBenefiting: Midlands Community FoundationrLocation: Embassy Suites La Vistar—midlandscommunity.org
Jan. 25 (5-9 p.m.)rGirls Nite OutrBenefiting: Girls Inc.rLocation: Hilton Downtownr—girlsincomaha.org
Jan. 27 (5:30-10 p.m.)rRockin’ RosierBenefiting: The Rose Theater GuildrLocation: Omaha Marriott Downtownr—rosetheater.org
Jan. 28 (5-9 p.m.)rGLOWrBenefiting: Essential Pregnancy ServicesrLocation: Embassy Suites La Vistar—friendsofeps.org
Feb. 2 (5-10 p.m.)rMarianFEST 2018: Life is Sweet at MarianrBenefiting: Marian High SchoolrLocation: Omaha Hiltonr—marianhighschool.net
Feb. 3 (9 a.m.-3 p.m.)rUltra Chic Boutique and The Dress FliprBenefiting: The Alzheimer’s AssociationrLocation: A View on Stater—maxiwalker.com/ucb
Feb. 3 (5 p.m.-midnight)rOmaha Heart & Stroke BallrBenefiting: American Heart AssociationrLocation: Embassy Suites La Vistar—heart.org
Feb. 10 (6-9 p.m.)rCarnival of Love GalarBenefiting: Heartland Family ServicerLocation: Embassy Suites La Vistar—heartlandfamilyservice.org
Feb. 10 (6-10 p.m.)rCurly Tails and CocktailsrBenefiting: Pug Partners of NebraskarLocation: Arbor Hallr—pugpartners.com
Feb. 10 (10 a.m.-1 p.m.)rHeart BombingrBenefiting: Restoration Exchange OmaharLocation: TBAr—restorationexchange.org
Feb. 10 (6-11 p.m.)rSwing Under the WingsrBenefiting: Strategic Air Command & Aerospace MuseumrLocation: Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museumr—sacmuseum.org
Feb. 10 (6:30-10 p.m.)rWinter at the BeachrBenefiting: Wings of HoperLocation: Mid-America Centerr—wingsofhope.org
Feb. 10 (11 a.m.-1 p.m.)rPolar PlungerBenefiting: Special Olympics NebraskarLocation: Lake Cunninghamr—sone.org
Feb. 10-11 (starts 10 a.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. Sunday)rHeartland Winter Games, Floor HockeyrBenefiting: Special Olympics NebraskarLocation: UNO Campusr—sone.org
Feb. 13 (6-9 p.m.)rTen Outstanding Young Omahans BanquetrBenefiting: Omaha JayceesrLocation: Scoular Ballroomr—omahajaycees.org
Feb. 17 (7 a.m.-noon)rTrek Up the TowerrBenefiting: WELLCOMrLocation: First National Bank Towerr—trekupthetower.org
Feb. 17 (4:30-10 p.m.)rMercy: The Gold Standard (Fiesta 2018)rBenefiting: Mercy High SchoolrLocation: La Vista Conference Centerr—mercyhigh.org
Feb. 22-24 (6:30-9 p.m.)rA Tasteful MurderrBenefiting: Joslyn Castle TrustrLocation: Joslyn Castler—joslyncastle.com
Feb. 17 (noon-4 p.m.)rBarstool OpenrBenefiting: United Cerebral Palsy of NebraskarLocation: The Old Marketr—ucpnebraska.org
Feb. 24 (1-4 p.m.)rUncorkedrBenefiting: Angels Among UsrLocation: Fleming’s Prime Steakhouser—myangelsamongus.org
Feb. 24 (6 p.m.-midnight)rCountry Side of a CurerBenefiting: JDRFrLocation: CenturyLink Centerr—jdrf.org
Feb. 24 (7-11 p.m.)rPerfect PourrBenefiting: Nebraska Children and Families AssociationrLocation: Slowdownr—nebraskachildren.org
Feb. 25 (1-5 p.m.)rArt & SouprBenefiting: Visiting Nurse AssociationrLocation: Embassy Suites La Vistar—vnatoday.org
rTimes and dates subject to change. Check organization’s websites for updated details.
This article appears as part of the calendar of events in the January/February 2018 edition of Omaha Magazine.