Featured Event
rNov. 19-25 (hours vary)rFeztival of TreesrTangier Shrine Centerrtangiershrine.wildapricot.orgrView trees decorated by local businesses, organizations, and affiliates of the Tangier Shrine. Purchase raffle tickets for chances to win prizes and a free tree (each tree features prizes valued at $500 or more). Admission is $2 per person; children under 12 enter free with adult.
2017 November/December Giving Calendar
rNov. 1 (starts at 8:30 a.m.)r2017 Nonprofit Summit of the MidlandsrBenefiting: Nonprofit Association of the MidlandsrLocation: La Vista Conference Centerr—nonprofitam.org
Nov. 2 (10 a.m.-8 p.m.)rChristmas Caravan 2017rBenefiting: Assistance League of OmaharLocation: Various homes in Omahar—alomaha.org
Nov. 2 (5:30-9 p.m.)rMilagro DinnerrBenefiting: OneWorld Community Health CentersrLocation: Hilton Omahar—oneworldomaha.org
Nov. 3 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)rBreaking the Cycle LuncheonrBenefiting: Youth Emergency ServicesrLocation: Scott Conference Centerr—yesomaha.org
Nov. 3 (6-9:30 p.m.)rRally for KidsrBenefiting: Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska Inc.rLocation: Hilton Omahar—lfsneb.org
Nov. 3 (6-8:30 p.m.)rLet's Grow Here GalarBenefiting: Big Muddy Urban FarmrLocation: University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Sorrell Centerr—bigmuddyurbanfarm.org
Nov. 3 (5:30-8 p.m.)rAn Evening of AppreciationrBenefiting: American Red CrossrLocation: Regency Lodger—redcross.org
Nov. 5 (11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.)rRoncalli Catholic High TearBenefiting: Roncalli Catholic High SchoolrLocation: Roncalli Catholic High Schoolr—roncallicatholic.org
Nov. 5 (noon-4 p.m.)rHoney SundayrBenefiting: Ollie Webb Center Inc.rLocation: Throughout Omahar—olliewebbinc.org
Nov. 9 (5-9 p.m.)rNurse of the Year AwardsrBenefiting: March of DimesrLocation: Hilton Omahar—nurseoftheyear.marchofdimes.org
Nov. 9 (6-9 p.m.)rToast to Hal DaubrBenefiting: MerrymakersrLocation: Omaha Design Centerr—merrymakers.org
Nov. 10-12 (times vary)rHistoric Home Tour & BoutiquerBenefiting: Joslyn CastlerLocation: Various locationsr—joslyncastle.com
Nov. 10 (9 a.m.-2 p.m.)rEmpowerment 4 Life Youth Leadership ConferencerBenefiting: Nebraska Urban Indian Health CoalitionrLocation: NorthStarr—somsne.com
Nov. 11 (8 a.m.-5 p.m.)rHoops 4 Life 3 on 3 Youth Basketball TournamentrBenefiting: Nebraska Urban Indian Health CoalitionrLocation: NorthStarr—somsne.com
Nov. 11 (time TBD)rBig Red Block PartyrBenefiting: Junior League of OmaharLocation: Scott Conference Centerr—jlomaha.org
Nov. 11 (3-5 p.m.)rHonors Orchestra ConcertrBenefiting: Omaha Area Youth OrchestrasrLocation: OPS TAC Auditoriumr—oayo.org
Nov. 11 (6-10 p.m.)rChildren's Hospital & Medical Center GalarBenefiting: Children’s Hospital & Medical Center FoundationrLocation: CenturyLink Centerr—childrensfoundationomaha.org
Nov. 11 (7-11:30 p.m.)rRock to RaiserBenefiting: The John Atkinson Lung Cancer FoundationrLocation: St. Nicholas Community Centerr—johnatkinsonfoundation.org
Nov. 13-Dec. 11rEmpowering Women from Surviving to ThrivingrBenefiting: Open Door MissionrLocation: Open Door Missionr—opendoormission.org
Nov. 14 (Noon-1 p.m.)rBig Brothers Big Sister of the Midlands Matchmaker LuncheonrBenefiting: Big Brothers Big Sisters of the MidlandsrLocation: UNO Thompson Alumni Centerr—bbbsomaha.org
Nov. 15 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)rAnnual Meeting & LuncheonrBenefiting: Project HarmonyrLocation: Happy Hollow Clubr—projectharmony.com
Nov. 16 (5 a.m.-6 p.m.)rHope for Hungry RadiothonrBenefiting: Open Door MissionrLocation: KFAB 1110 AMr—opendoormission.org
Nov. 16 (5:30-9:30 p.m.)rStock Market Championship 2017rBenefiting: Boys and Girls Clubs of the MidlandsrLocation: Hilton Omahar—http://bgcomaha.org
Nov. 16 (6-9 p.m.)rSalute to FamiliesrBenefiting: Heartland Family ServicerLocation: Happy Hollow Clubr—http://heartlandfamilyservice.org
Nov. 17 (6-9 p.m.)rSentimental JourneyrBenefiting: The Durham MuseumrLocation: The Durham Museumr—durhammuseum.org
Nov. 18 (1-3 p.m.)rMeet & Greet at the Green SpotrBenefiting: Pug Partners of NebraskarLocation: The Green Spotr—pugpartners.com
Nov. 23 (8:45-11 a.m.)r2017 Turkey TrotrBenefiting: Make-a-Wish NebraskarLocation: Lewis & Clark Landingr—nebraska.wish.org
Nov. 23 (9 a.m.)rTurkey Trot 5K Run/WalkrBenefiting: Joslyn CastlerLocation: Turner Park in Midtown Crossingr—joslyncastle.com
Dec. 1 (6-9 p.m.)rNutcracker GalarBenefiting: Ballet NebraskarLocation: Orpheum Theaterr—balletnebraska.org
Dec. 4-8rProject Elf Holiday Gift DriverBenefiting: Nebraska Children’s Home SocietyrLocation: Nebraska Children’s Home Societyr—nchs.org
Dec. 6 (5:30-9 p.m.)rReel To Real Sustainability Film FestivalrBenefiting: The Green Omaha CoalitionrLocation: Aksarben Cinemar—greenomaha.org
Dec. 7 (1:30-3 p.m.)rChristmas in our Hearts ConcertrBenefiting: Community 360°rLocation: Kroc Centerr—community-360.org
Dec. 9 (7:30 a.m.-noon)r2017 Nebraska Jingle Bell RunrBenefiting: Arthritis Foundation NebraskarLocation: Strategic Air and Space Museum and Mahoney State Parkr—jbr.org
Dec. 10 (10 a.m.-1 p.m.)rRuth Solokof Christmas PartyrBenefiting: Nebraska Foundation for Visually Impaired ChildrenrLocation: Westroads Mallr—nfvic.org
Dec. 27 (6-11 p.m.)rOmaha Symphony Debutante BallrBenefiting: Omaha SymphonyrLocation: Embassy Suites La Vistar—omahasymphony.org
This event calendar was printed in the November/December edition of Omaha Magazine.
Event times and details may change. Check with venue or event organizer to confirm.