Greg Jerrett—Contributing Writer
Jerrett received his B.S. in sociology and English from Iowa State University in Ames long ago. He drinks on the job as a bar reviewer, and his hobbies include dehydrating kale and lacto-fermenting pickles. Jerrett is an old-school newspaperman who likes to brag way too much about being old school. Famous, brilliant, powerful, and scary people he’s interviewed include Tori Amos, Seymour Hersh, Paul Begala, Dennis Miller, Richard Simmons, and Steve King. He has a small slew of awards, and one of his favorites is The Great Plains Journalism award he won in 2017 for Best Magazine News Writing for “Dying for Opiates in Omaha” published in Omaha Magazine.

Susan Meyers—Contributing Writer
There’s only one thing Meyers likes better than practicing health and wellness, and that’s writing about it. A freelance writer and marketing consultant for more than 25 years, Meyers has been educating the public about how to make healthy choices through a variety of local and national magazines and digital platforms. When she’s not writing, you can usually find Susan doing one of her many favorite things—walking, hiking, running, rollerblading, swimming, weight lifting, yoga, group classes, or pickleball, to name a few. A mother of two children, four stepchildren, and a special grand puppy named Benji, Meyers and her husband, Bill Stock, also enjoy spending relaxing weekends at their lake house outside of Ashland, Nebraska, with family and friends.

Kent Sievers—Contributing Photographer
Sievers, an Omahan since 1990, is a photographer on the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s strategic communications team. He has worked as an editorial/commercial photographer for more than 40 years, making the move to UNMC after 18 years at the Omaha World-Herald. When he’s not working on campus, Sievers often wanders around Omaha, cameras in hand as he pursues his passion for street photography. Married with two grown children, Sievers’ artistic pursuits go beyond his work with a camera. He is also a published author with two novels to his credit and a third still in progress. Visit kentsievers.com for more info.

Janet Bessey Tilden—Contributing Writer
Tilden is a full-time writer and editor who was born and raised in Fremont, Nebraska. Janet met Tom Tilden at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, and married him a year after graduation. The couple raised two sons together and lived in Chicago and Fremont before moving to the Benson neighborhood in Omaha in 2003. Janet was employed by Nelson-Hall, Scott Foresman, and Harper Collins publishing companies before starting her own business. As the sole proprietor of Executive Rewrites (exec-rewrites.com), she provides writing and editorial services to clients throughout the United States, including several companies in Omaha.
This article first appeared in the January/February 2021 issue of Omaha Magazine. Click here to subscribe to the print edition.