When I first heard of Megan Hale, I thought, “Wow, she’s a great woman entrepreneur.” As I learned more about how this former therapist created her Dream Money program, I became amazed — here’s someone who knows what she wants and is empowering others, especially other women, to become what they want.
Thinking smaller is the idea behind Signature Performance, which is working to help streamline administrative processes and keep costs down in the health care sphere. With health care costs around $4.3 trillion annually, this is a much-welcomed business.
Geoff McGregor has spent his life assisting high net worth individuals (often businesspeople) expand their portfolios into commercial real estate with his company, McGregor Interests. The company often appeals to first-time real estate investors with their low minimum — it only takes $100,000 to start investing with McGregor.
Matt Tompkins is helping businesspeople navigate a trend with his business Two Brothers Creative. Tompkins, a former radio DJ and a comedian, knew when podcasting came on the scene several years ago that it would be the next big thing in broadcasting. The company he was working for, however, dismissed his ideas. That’s when he struck out on his own, and the resulting business has helped many businesses around the metro that want to capitalize on this marketing tool.
Elisa Davies is known as a great negotiator and relationship-builder at HDR, where she is the general counsel and senior vice president. Her legal background has served her well as she has used her human-focused leadership style.
There are so many great articles in this issue, many of them have to do with businesses that help other businesses and business leaders. I hope you will find a business within these pages that you want to work with in the future, and that you enjoy these articles.