Fear is a tricky thing to discuss. It occurs in every human, yet we know so little about it. More often than not, the cause of our fear is a mystery to us. Other times, the source of the fear can be traced back to a single incident or a series of tragic events from our past.
As a child, I had many fears that are common. The main fear that I remember is being afraid of the dark. This is easily the most common fear for kids that I have heard of. This could be because kids are afraid of what they cannot see. I was afraid of what may be hiding in my closet or under my bed.
The fears that I have now as a teenager are mainly about my future and where I will end up as an adult. And now, being a sophomore in high school, I have to start thinking about college and where I might want to attend. Contemplating your future from the mere age of 16 can be very scary, but it’s necessary and all part of growing up. This fear comes from the possibility of choosing the wrong college major or making the wrong life choices. This determines my path for life, which is scary and stressful.
Dealing with the fear of growing up and becoming an adult is tricky because it takes place in the future. I try to think of the possible outcomes before I make important decisions. I compare my decisions and make sure they are similar to the choices that other adults, who I look up to, have made.
Good luck to all of you who are dealing with fear. We all must face it, and it follows us throughout our entire lives.
Connor O'Leary is a student at Creighton Prep High School.