As lovely as it is to host Thanksgiving, almost immediately after the dishes are cleared and the leftovers stored neatly in the refrigerator, out come my tubs of Christmas decor.
Typically, I like to start by decorating my fireplace mantel. Then, I place several trees of varying sizes around and add touches of winter greens everywhere. I enjoy creating that Christmas-y feeling with holiday vignettes, mini trees in unexpected places, and strands of white lights strung about to lend ambiance.
This issue, we’re sharing three looks for holiday mantels. I created my own woodsy display, and we called on two local designers to share their extravagant creations. Whether it’s from OmahaHome, Pinterest, or HGTV, it’s great to seek new decorating inspiration and mix it up from year to year.
Homeowner Kristi Peters, a personal friend of mine, also graciously agreed to decorate her house
for the holidays months early, allowing us to showcase the uniquely neutral way she dresses her home for Christmas. She expertly combines elements from the outdoors, vintage knickknacks, and touches of gold and crystal resulting in a very natural noel.
And for those of you looking past the holidays…we spotlight interior decorator Megan Pettipoole’s own front living and dining room, which abounds with color and character, the Mannon family’s French Provincial beauty in Loveland, and more.