Omaha Home found Brenna Maldonado rummaging through A&R Salvage and Recycling; the dusty, floor-to-ceiling treasure trove of everything you could possibly want or need in terms of salvaged…well, floors and ceilings, and everything in between.
But would the Union Pacific train dispatcher stand a chance in a design challenge when pitted against such seasoned pros as Omaha Home contributing editor Sandy Besch-Matson and the design mavens of Anderson Interiors—Lori Anderson, daughter Lindsey Anderson, and Erin Jerabek?
But Maldonado has an ace up her sleeve. She studied interior design in college, and her home is filled with creative and budget-friendly trash-to-treasure projects.
Let’s see what happens with a $150 spending limit at A&R Salvage in a no-holds barred design throw-down…
Sandy Besch-Matson's Vanity
rMaterials Listrr
- r
- Old dresser or similar piece of choice
- Vintage tin ceiling tiles
- Vestal sink knobs, 
(get fun with this item)
- Decorative tacks or nails of choice
- Paint and glaze 
(1 part paint/1 part glaze)
rConstruction Time: Five hours
“I love mixing the old and the new, especially with lots of texture. In my mind I was thinking of something that could be used as a multipurpose piece just about anywhere in my house. Pictured here it serves as a vanity, but that could all change very easily. Next week it could be behind my sofa with a lamp!” Sandy Besch-Matson
Anderson Interiors’ Console Table
rMaterials Listr
- r
- Reclaimed wood planks
- Metal drawer pulls
- Legs from an old sewing machine
- Cast iron grate steam radiator cover
rConstruction Time: Four hours
“Each item used in this table came from very different beginnings. We reclaimed and repurposed the materials to create an interesting console table that could adapt to many styles.” Lori Anderson
Brenna Maldonado’s Hinged-Door Media Center
rMaterials Listr
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- Wooden lockers
- Steel pallet for backing support
- Locking casters
rConstruction Time: Four hours
“I wanted to keep the paint because I really love the patina, so all I did was lightly sand the lockers and then went over them with a mix of ebony and dark walnut stains. I am forever rearranging my home and the wheels make this a very mobile piece. They also elevate it so it is less boxy and give it a bit of contemporary flair.” 
Brenna Maldonado