Those in need of a skilled criminal defense lawyer will find a caring and tireless advocate in Sarah Newell. That is why she is writing the book on criminal defense for the Nebraska State Bar Association. Her treatise on Criminal Practice and Procedure from the defense perspective will be published in 2025.
Newell has nearly 20 years of experience in criminal law. She has represented clients on all manner of charges, helping people navigate the system on everything from traffic cases to capital murder.
She has defended thousands of clients statewide in more than 40 jury trials, including 50+ homicide cases. She has achieved acquittals and appellate reversals for clients in everything from Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Resisting Arrest, to Sexual Assault and Homicide.
These results have earned Newell her reputation as a smart, tenacious lawyer who fights hard for every client. But, helping clients move on with their lives is the real reward. “Knowing that you fought for someone when nobody else would is the thing that keeps me going,” she said.
Berry Law
6940 O St., No. 400
Lincoln, NE 68510
This profile originally appeared in the 2024 FACES of Lincolnbrcollection, presented by Omaha Magazine. To see the full book, see ourbrflipbook here.