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Pick of the Week—Friday, July 13 to Sunday, July 15: There’s O! so much going on at O Comic Con this year that we couldn’t possibly fit it all in here. So here are some of our favorites.r—The O Comic Con Official Costume Contest on Saturday night is where you can see all the best costumes in one place. Or show yours off!r—PWP Live Pro Wrestling will be happening throughout the weekend. Who doesn’t love a good, costumed melee?r—Three words: Giant. Jenga. Tournament. (Happening on Sunday.)r—In Klingon Jeopardy you won’t be winning any money, but you can get chocolate. Or the pain stick. Losers' mothers have smooth foreheads. We wish you qapla'.r—Last but obviously not least, it’s the Cuddle a Corgi Panel, brought to you by the Omaha Corgi Crew and Muddy Paws Second Chance Rescue Inc. Corgis, cuddling, costumes, corgis in costumes: What more do you people want from a con?!rObviously, there is in fact a lot more to look forward to. Panels, discussions, demos, photo ops, and Q&As. (Did I mention the puppies?! Yeah? Oh, okay.)rAnyway, you get the idea. Find out all of the things you’ll need to know to prepare you for this weekend-long adventure here.
Thursday, July 12: Ever wonder what it would sound like if Jamaica and Motown hooked up? Wonder no more, because at this week’s Jazz on the Green, The Big Takeover is going to let you know. This ever-touring band has been going nonstop for over a decade, spreading their positive, happy vibes across the U.S. and beyond. Get to Turner Park early to stake your claim for this one. To find out more about the show, click here.
Through Friday, August 31: There’s a special exhibition coming up at El Museo Latino this month. Traditional Masks/Máscaras Tradicionales presents a selection of masks created to be worn during annual celebrations, festivals, as well as while performing traditional dances. The masks are crafted by people from different states in Mexico, with some carved out of wood and others made from clay or papier-mâché. If you can’t make it out this weekend, don’t fret. The exhibit will be on view through August 31, 2018. Learn more about the museum and their events here.
Saturday, July 14: There can never be too many free concerts, right? The Playing with Fire concert series is celebrating its 15th year this round, and they’re pulling no punches. With two award-winning, Canadian-rooted acts—headliner Jack de Keyzer and supporting act Monkey Junk—Midwest group Heather Newman Band, and of course the BluesEd opener, The Redwoods, they’ve run the gamut of entertainment. Find out more about the performers and all the good the folks at PwF are doing by clicking right here.
Sunday, July 15: In case you didn’t know, Afromaha is an organization created by Africans living in Nebraska whose mission is to connect people, foster creativity, and engage the African diaspora in the local community. This Sunday, their inaugural African Cultural Festival at Stinson Park is doing all of that. This family-friendly event will feature African music, art, dance, fashion, and cuisine. In other words, a little something for everyone. This is a free event and you will get to enjoy musical performances from several illustrious Omaha acts. Vendors will be on hand selling everything from jewelry to food. Learn more about the event here, and then head here if you’d like to learn more about Afromaha.