From the Editor
Recently, I came across a video online titled “Omaha, Nebraska, the NEW Best City in the USA?” uploaded by popular travel vlogger Nick Johnson. As an Omaha native, I took the bait—resigning myself to a healthy dose of sarcasm, and mercifully, a genuine laugh or two.
While Johnson’s account was indeed humorous, the title proved surprisingly genuine: “Lots of new exciting things [in Omaha], the growth, the technology, it’s booming right now […] it was like a flower that’s opening up just at the right time,” Johnson said of his first-ever visit to the metro.
One of many exciting developments, our issue focuses on Ralston’s “Hinge” project. It aims to revitalize and recast Ralston as a residential and entertainment hub by connecting the bustling 72nd Street corridor to downtown—with investors and developers set to pour in an estimated $250 million over five years. Check out our story to see what else the “next frontier for urban development in the Omaha metro” has in store.
Our remaining features cover the ascent of private flying into consumer space historically dominated by commercial aviation, growing workforce challenges faced by accounting firms, and lastly, the emergence of businesses poised to meet the demand of modern families as they care for aging parents and/or grandparents.
I hope you’ll gain some valuable insight from these stories, and from our February/March issue of B2B Magazine as a whole. If nothing else, I hope it gives you the chance to stop and smell the flowers—those of a city in bloom.
This article originally appeared in the February/March issue of B2B Magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.