Those familiar with the 2002 film “Catch MebrIf You Can” might be surprised to discover that there is a musical version, butbrthose familiar with the Papillion La Vista South High School theatre programbrwill not be surprised to discover that their current production of it is wildlybrentertaining – as this is par for the course for this high school.
Director and choreographer Mary Dicksonbrpulled together a fast-paced show packed with funny moments, cleverly augmentedbrby two projected screens on each side of the stage. Perhaps the funniest use ofbrthe screens was Jude Glaser’s film noir moments, followed closely by AvabrAlbracht and Reese McAdams’ Strong Family Song cameos on the screens. Thebrscreens, coupled with all the singing and dancing on stage, made the show abrfeast for the eyes and ears.
The impressive set made audience membersbrnearly forget they were watching a high school production. Versatile andbrsturdily built, the set was the perfect complement to the array of costumesbrchanges and varying light schemes.
Henry Vote shined in the lead role of FrankbrAbangale, Jr. His notable vocal range and inherently approachable demeanor madebrhim the perfect choice for this role. brThe three singing, dancing FBI agents played by Abram Butler, JakebrErickson, and Tyson Johnson were a comical contrast to Jude Glaser’s stern butbrloveable Carl Hanratty.
Sam Denos and Cameron Iselin – joined bybrAbram Butler as a very confused FBI agent - made the audience tumble into fitsbrof laughter in the song “Don’t Be a Stranger.” Audrey Pittman managed to shinebrin the song despite the comical chaos ensuing around her on stage.
This impressive fall production revealedbrthe most probable actors who will next year fill the very big shoes of thebrcurrent PLVSHS heavy hitters, who will graduate at the end of this school year.brThe ever-impressive Jude Glaser will likely see his typical roles going tobrSilas Olson, who commanded the stage with his strong signing voice and spot-onbrcharacterizations. Vocal powerhouse Gaby Miranda might be replaced by LainebrCunningham, whose strong voice stood out among the ensemble. Tyson Johnsonbrmight find himself filling roles once filled by Reece McAdams.
This review would be lacking if it didn’tbrmention the true star of this production: Music Director Brian Johnson, who notbronly expertly led the musicians in the elevated pit, but who also did sobrdonning a sparkly blazer and a variety of mischievous glances to the audience –brand a dance or two with cast members.
This show may not be suitable for youngbrkids, but it’s certainly suitable for anyone looking for some entertainment andbrlaughs – while supporting local theatre.
“Catch Me If You Can: The Musical” runsbrthrough this Sunday, with 7:00 performances on Friday and Saturday and a 2:00brmatinee on Sunday. Tickets can be purchased online at or purchasedbrin cash at the door ($5 for students and $10 for adults). Concessions arebravailable for purchase (cash only) and a different themed basket is raffled offbrnightly.